
Transforming the A8 in Halle Enhancing Traffic Flow and 
Community Livability

Urban Development

25 stakeholders

bilaterally interviewed

53 interviews

with scripted insights-questions

3 km

of highway

9 months

from first interview to report

The project aims to transform the A8 in Halle into a safe, efficient highway without traffic lights. In 2023, Solv performed a risk scan and recommendations on the ongoing plan, guiding future political decisions.

As part of the Work on the Ring Road Brussels initiative, the transformation of the A8 in Halle, particularly the segment between the canal and the R0 junction, is a priority. This project aims to improve traffic flow, enhance safety, and boost livability while minimizing the highway's negative impact on the local community. Key to this transformation is the vision of a safe and efficient highway 
free of traffic lights.

In 2023, Solv conducted a comprehensive stakeholder insight analysis and project forecast. These findings have been instrumental in shaping the ongoing plan development for the A8, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2025. The insights and recommendations from Solv will enable informed political decisions, driving the project's implementation forward.

“The Werkvennootschap executes large infrastructure projects for the Flemish Government, such as the redesign of the A8 in Halle. Participation in the SOLV program, alongside a traditional stakeholder process, provided valuable insights and a sharply defined project. The broad involvement significantly reduced the risks.”

Kaat Maes

Project Manager

Solv insights and recommendations for plan development

Figure: Values represented by green bars were rated as the most important. Recommendations such as a covered bridge, a multi-modal hub and well equipped bike pathways, aligned with the dominant values of traffic flow, safety, accessibility and biodiversity and have been suggested for consideration in the plan development to secure stakeholder support and maximize impact.

Solv recommended further exploration of a multi-modal hub between the A8 and the station to facilitate sustainable modal shifts and improve accessibility to the city center, the National Park, and the station.

Do you want more information?

Get in touch with Julie.

Julie Crepel

Project Manager