
Cookie policy

1. Introduction and scope

1.1 This cookie policy (the “Cookie Policy”) governs the use of certain cookies, identifiers or other technologies (a “Cookie” or the “Cookies”) through the website of Solv available on https://www.solv.world (the "Website") as well as the processing of your personal data in connection with it.

2. Why this Cookie Policy? 

2.1 The Website can use certain Cookies whereby Solv is responsible for the use of those Cookies and the processing of your personal data via or in connection with these Cookies.

2.2 You can contact Solv via: 

Contact details: 

2.3 This Cookie Policy informs you about the use and purpose of the Cookies used on the Website. This Cookie Policy is made available to you digitally through the Website. Solv recommends that you read this Cookie Policy carefully. You can consult it at any time under the “Cookie Policy” section on the Website.

2.4 This Cookie Policy does not apply to any other third party websites or applications for which the Website may contain hyperlinks or references. You are advised to consult the privacy and cookie policies applicable to these other websites. Solv is not responsible for the policies and terms of these third party websites and/or applications.

2.5 Solv may modify this Cookie Policy at any given time. It is therefore important that you consult it regularly. You will always find the most up-to-date version on the website. The date of the last amended version is listed at the bottom of this Cookie Policy. Any changes will be communicated via the Website, by e-mail or through other electronical channels.

2.6 This Cookie Policy is subject to Belgian law. Only the courts of Antwerp (Antwerp division(s))) are exclusively competent to decide on any dispute that may arise from the interpretation or implementation of this Cookie Policy, without prejudice to your right to present a dispute before a competent court on the basis of a mandatory statutory provision.

3. What are Cookies and what is their purpose? 

3.1 Cookies are small electronic text files that are stored on the user’s device by a specific server via the user’s browser. Cookie files typically contain unique codes (name of the server that placed the Cookie, expiration data and a unique numeric code) that allows your browser or device to recognize you during your use of the Website (session Cookies), or in case of repeated visits (permanent Cookies) and thus improve your user experience on the Website. Cookies facilitate the interaction between you as a user/visitor and the Website. They are used to improve your user experience and for the collection of statistics among the users/visitors. Cookies also allow Solv to store your personal settings and preferences on the Website. Certain Cookies may be placed by a third party, e.g. Firebase or Google Analytics, for measuring the use of Solv’s Website (see section 7 below).

3.2 Cookies can help Solv to improve and personalize your experience on its Website, to ensure that it performs as well as you expect and in order to make your use pleasant and attractive. For example, Solv can improve your experience when using its Website by tracking your use so that it can be improved to meet your needs. Solv can also make sure that the advertisements you see online are more relevant to you and your interests.

3.3 There are different categories of Cookies.

Categories of CookiesDescriptionStrictly necessary or technical Cookies Cookies that are essential to the operation of the Website and that enable you to use certain parts of them. These Cookies allow you to navigate between different parts of the Website, to enter data, etc. If you disable these Cookies, certain parts of the Website will not work, or will not work optimally. Analytical or statistical CookiesThese Cookies make it possible to recognise and count visitors or users of the Website and to identify the manner in which they navigate and/or use the Website. This improves user navigation and makes it easier and quicker for users to find what they need. Performance CookiesThese Cookies are used to collect information about how visitors/users make us of the Website. These Cookies help to understand how users interact with the Website and why certain error messages appear. They make it possible to test new functions of the Website. This information is used to improve the user experience.Functional Cookies /preference CookiesCookies that facilitate the functioning of the Website, make them more pleasant for the visitor/user and ensure that you get a more personalised user experience. For example, Cookies that remember your language preferences.Tracking or marketing CookiesThese Cookies are aimed at collecting statistics about visitors/users and sending personalised commercial messages, advertisements and promotions (direct marketing).

4. Cookie banner and informed consent

4.1 On your first visit or use, information relating to the use of Cookies (with a hyperlink to this Cookie Policy) will appear in a Cookie banner.

Your permission is not required for necessary/technical and functional Cookies. Consent, to be granted via the Cookie banner, is required for non-functional or non-essential Cookies, such as analytical/statistical Cookies and tracking/marketing Cookies. Your consent shall be obtained before the Cookies are stored. If your consent is not granted, no Cookies can be stored. Your consent shall be informed (by providing the necessary information to you in this Cookie Policy). Your consent shall be explicit and active by checking the boxes in the Cookie banner. Your consent shall be specific and thus obtained per Cookie or Cookie category.

4.2 If you gave permission to use certain non-functional or non-essential Cookies, you can change this setting at any time and withdraw your consent. Previously stored Cookies will then be deleted. This can be simply done by sending Solv an e-mail at privacy@solv.world.

You can withdraw your consent for the Cookies of Solv at any time, even if you previously gave your consent. Please note that if you do not consent to some of the Cookies of Solv, the user experience on its Website may be adversely affected.

5. Browser settings 

5.1 In addition, you can change your preferences at any time via your browser by following the instructions on the links below, depending on your browser: support.google.com.

5.2 The use of Cookies can be disabled. Your browser allows you to delete Cookies automatically or manually and to indicate whether certain Cookies may be stored or not. You can also configure your browser so that you receive a message when a Cookie is stored.

If you disable Cookies, however, it is possible that the Website will no longer function correctly or that certain (graphic) elements or features will not function (properly).

6. Third party Cookies 

6.1 The Website of Solv can use Cookies of Solv (first-party Cookies), which are stored on your device by the Website. The Website can also use Cookies stored by third parties whose services are (or may be) used on the Website (third-party Cookies). Third-party Cookies are stored by domains that differ from Solv’s Website’s domain. This is also indicated under section 7.3 below.

6.2 First-party Cookies do not entail a transfer of personal data to third parties but can use a third-party processor, e.g. for the compilation of statistics. Your permission is also required for the storage of first-party analytical Cookies.

6.3 Third-party Cookies allow the transmission of personal data to third parties directly (e.g. by an active component linked to a banner or a spy pixel) or indirectly by storing Cookies that are accessible to applications or websites other than those of the advertiser.

For example, Solv uses Google Analytics to collect information about how you use its Website (see section 7.2 below) and for other features.

7. The Cookies on the Website of Solv 

7.1 The table under section 7.3 below contains an overview of the Cookies Solv uses on its Website, why Solv uses them and where they come from. Solv also indicates whether a Cookie is a ‘permanent’ or ‘session’ Cookie. The difference is:

7.2 Solv further uses analytical Cookies to collect general information about how users use its Website (e.g. which pages you frequently use). These Cookies do not collect any data that could identify users. Any information collected through these Cookies is solely for the purpose of understanding and improving the functionality of the Website.

Solv also uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. Google Analytics stores information about the pages you visit, the amount of time you spend on each page, how you use the Website and what you click on while using the Website. The information concerning your use of the Website generated by Google Analytics is usually transmitted to and stored on a Google server in the United States. However, the code ‘gat_anonymiseIp();’ has been added by Google Analytics to the Website to ensure the anonymous registration of IP addresses, known as ‘IP masking’. The anonymization of the IP address by Google on the Website truncates your IP address within the territory of the European Union and the European Economic Area. The full IP address will only be transmitted to Google servers in the United States. Google will use this information on behalf of Solv for the purpose of evaluating your use of the Website, compiling reports on the activity of the Website, and providing other services to Solv relating to the Website and internet usage. The IP address provided by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be combined with other Google data. You can prevent Google from collecting information of the data generated and stored by the Cookie with respect to your use of the Website (including your IP address) and their processing by Google, by downloading and installing the module available at the address https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout. Additional information relating to the general terms and conditions of use and Google Analytics’ privacy policy is available at https://www.google.com/analytics/terms/ and https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/.

Solv also uses certain third-party Cookies, such as Google’s DoubleClick, to display advertising messages on other websites that you visit after you have visited Solv’s Website (remarketing).

8. Contact

If you have any questions and/or concerns regarding this Cookie Policy or the processing of your personal data by Solv, please do not hesitate to contact Solv by sending an e-mail to privacy@solv.world

Latest update of this Cookie Policy: November 2023