

Solv is transforming stakeholder management with an innovative technological solution for risk management in complex projects. Founded in 2021 by Alexander D'Hooghe as a spin-off of ORG, a design firm known for its groundbreaking projects. With 20 years of field experience, Solv has developed a unique AI-driven tool for stakeholder impact, establishing itself as a global pioneer in the market.

Solv was founded in 2021 by Alexander D’Hooghe as a spin-off of ORG, a renowned design firm with offices in Brussels, Antwerp, and New York. ORG is known for its innovative approach to addressing the pressing challenges of today and delivering transformational projects in architecture, urbanism, and infrastructure. 

In recent years, ORG has enhanced its methodology by developing context-specific algorithms to test the impact of proposed interventions in large-scale spatial projects. These advanced analytical techniques have played a transformative role in co-creation processes involving complex contexts, multiple stakeholders, and conflicting interests. This applies to fields such as mobility, decarbonization, and socio-economic development in disadvantaged areas. 

Advancements in software development, AI, and machine learning and the drive for greater impact and faster processes have enabled Solv to become the first player on the global market to offer a stakeholder-oriented risk management tool for spatial projects. Following successful pilot projects in 2022 and 2023, the Solv platform was further refined, including the addition of Natural Language Processing. Solv provides tech support and deep intelligence for conflict-laden processes, aiming to achieve consensus and success by integrating financial, spatial, and environmental parameters. 

Today, Solv operates as an independent company, drawing on the knowledge and experience from a 20-year portfolio of projects such as the Oosterweel connection, Amsterdam’s Sprong over het IJ, coastal defense projects in Europe and the US, and a national plan for Malawi. Solv's core team is based in Belgium.